International Conferences on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
15th ICCBMT Conference - West Virginia, USA

Dear Colleagues,
We take this opportunity to invite you to be a part of the 15th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues to be held in West Virginia on May 3-8 of 2026. This prestigious event will be co-chaired by Claire Bardet of Université Paris Cité, Elia Beniash of University of Pittsburgh and Amjad Javed of University of Alabama at Birmingham.
We hope you will enjoy the exchange of scientific results and ideas, discussions with colleagues and friends, beautiful surroundings, and leisure activities at the historic conference location (Oglebay Resort, Wheeling), nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains within West Virginia‘s Northern Panhandle.

The scientific program of this meeting is constructed from submitted abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be presented as either orals (selected by Scientific Advisory Board scoring) or posters. Abstract Submission Information will be sent out at a later date.
We are happy to announce we will be continuing the ICCBMT tradition of awarding a substancial number of YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAVEL AWARDS.
Student and post-doctoral/clinical fellow presenters will be considered for these to
help defray the cost of the meeting.


Elia Beniash, PhD
University of Pittsburgh

Claire Bardet, PhD, HD
Université Paris Cité

Amjad Javed, MSc, PhD
University of Alabama
at Birmingham
We look forward to your participation in the
15th International Conference
on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues