International Conferences on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
October 22-27, 2023
Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, The Netherlands
Abstract Form and Instructions
Deadline for abstract submission is extended to March 15, 2023
In the spirit of bringing together conference participants in a secluded, scientifically stimulating and socially interactive environment, all conference participants are expected to attend the full conference period.
Supervisor (if applicable)
Presentation Preference *
Publication *
Journal of Structural Biology (JSB)
A limited number of presentations (whether oral or poster) will be selected at the conference for subsequent publication as a regular article in a Special Issue of JSB free of charge. We strive to cover a comprehensive range of relevant and “cutting edge” topics in this Special Issue.
Would you like your contribution to be considered for submission as a manuscript to JSB?
Journal of Structural Biology-X (JSB-X)
An option for Open Access Publication in JSB-X as part of the Special Issue incurs an article publishing charge (APC) of USD 1,155+tax (a 50% discounted rate). Your institution may have an agreement with the publisher (Elsevier) to cover this fee; you can find out here. If not, the APC needs to be paid by the authors.
Are you interested in the JSB-X Open Access Publication option for a fee? Details will be communicated in due course.
Abstract Title *
Note only the first word of the title is capitalized, and there is no period at the end
Maximum of 150 Characters (with spaces)
Abstract Authors/Affiliations *
Add names of authors, and institutional affiliation. Mark presenting author with an asterisk* - do not use hard returns or paragraphs (wrap all text) - there is no need for street address or zip codes - period at the end. (see example below)
Please keep the following format - Example: Billy Bone*1,2, Tamantha Tooth1,2, Edouardo Eggshell2, Sofia Seashell2, Luciano Limpet2, George Gastropod1,2, Misaki Mollusc1,2. 1Dept. of Terrestrial Mineralization, 2Dept. of Marine Mineralization, University of Biomineralization, London, ON, Canada.
Abstract Body *
Include subheadings in capitalized letters… Example - INTRODUCTION: PURPOSE: METHODS: RESULTS: CONCLUSIONS: - no figures/tables - ​do not use hard returns or paragraphs (wrap all text) - maximum of 3,000 characters (with spaces).

If you are in this category of presenters, do you wish to be considered for this Travel Award?
If "Yes" > we must receive a SIGNED LETTER from your supervisor or department head verifying your student or postdoctoral/ clinical fellow status (not a recommendation letter, simply a statement attesting to status). Deadline: March 10, 2023
The document filename must be the Last name (surname) of the presenting author.
If you do not have a letter ready to upload at this time, please email your letter by March 20th to: Cathy Ferrie cferrie@rogers.com
Email subject line must state: ICCBMT Travel Award
_________________________________________________________________________Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The ICCBMT conferences adhere to the principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for all its participants.
Following requests from some of our funding sponsors, and to allocate more effectively our Travel Awards and Diversity Travel Awards, we need the following information on geographic location, visible minority status, diversity, and other factors.
Do you identify yourself as being a visible minority? *
Are you a permanent resident or citizen of *
Diversity Travel Awards
Available to enhance the participation of individuals with disabilities and individuals from racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the sciences. For the latter, in the United States, the following terms are used for this: Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander.
In Canada, Diversity Travel Awards will be available for the following underrepresented groups: Women, Indigenous people, Visible minorities, Persons with disabilities, Ethnic minorities, and Sexual orientation and gender identity minorities.
I wish to be considered for a Diversity Travel Award as I self-identify with such an underrepresented category, or another category that I feel may be similar.
A requirement for receiving a Diversity Travel Award is that the recipient must attend the full conference period.
Before you click on the submit button, please double-check the formatting of your abstract to ensure all directions are followed. Your help in making the abstracts look consistent is very much appreciated!
Thank you - your abstract has been submitted!
An error has occurred, or an entry field is missing, please check above
Selection of oral and poster presentations will be made primarily on the basis of a scoring review by the
If there are any problems with this form, please contact Cathy Ferrie cferrie@rogers.com