International Conferences on the
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
14th ICCBMT | The Netherlands | October 22-27, 2023
Hotel de Bilderberg
Hotel De Bilderberg has opened their reservation portal for ICCBMT registrants to book rooms. You can now make your reservation for the combined hotel room/meal plan (no pre-payment is required but must be secured with a credit card).
Attendees will be responsible for paying the mandatory Hotel Room/Meal Plan (Sunday night Oct 22 to Friday morning Oct 27) to the Hotel De Bilderberg upon checkout or anytime during the week. Room price includes all meals with the exception of the Welcome Dinner & Gala Dinner (which are covered in registration fees).
The hotel would appreciate all room reservations be completed by July 23 at the latest. If you have any questions, please contact the hotel.
+31 (0)26 339 63 33 bilderberg@bilderberg.nl
The following prices are in Euros and exclude local taxes and service charge
Hotel personnel will call for personal credit card information
A) € 862.00 pp
Standard Room - single occupancy
B) € 812.00 pp
Single room - single occupancy (1 twin-sized bed)
Reduced-rate room (limited rooms available) - no guarantee
Your request will be confirmed or denied when hotel personnel call
C) € 584.50 pp
Standard room - shared occupancy* (2 beds)
EACH person must reserve a room and will be responsible for paying €584.50 - hotel personnel will contact each roommate for a credit card number.
If you choose this package, you will be directed to enter a roommate's name if known.
If you do not have a roommate, enter 'unknown’ and contact Cathy (see note below).
D) € 1,169.00
per couple
Couples - standard room - double occupancy
If your partner wishes to attend the Welcome Dinner (€ 46.50) or Gala Dinner at Koetshuis Castle Doorwerth (€ 62.45), a sign-in/payment portal will be available at a later date.
* For Package C - If you DO NOT have a roommate…
Immediately email Cathy Ferrie (Conference Assistant) that you have reserved a ‘shared’ room and are looking for a roommate.
Use subject line: Roommate Needed - Gender is _______.

Included in
Hotel/Meal Plan Paid by Registration Fee
Oct 22 Sun
Oct 23 Mon
Oct 24 Tue
Oct 25 Wed
Oct 26 Thu
Oct 27 Fri
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Breakfast / Lunch
Welcome Dinner
Gala Dinner at Koetshuis Castle Doorwerth
We realize the challenge of juggling a career/studies with parenting responsibilities can sometimes present a challenge when attending conferences. Therefore ICCBMT is pleased to announce the availability of supervised on-site childcare (with an attached room for nursing mothers) for participants at no charge during the conference. Cribs and baby accessories are also available upon request from the hotel.
For the most updated Covid-19 policies during your travel to NL, please follow this link: Government of the Netherlands. The organizers will follow the local policies but participants are encouraged to bring their own RAT kits and masks, and use/wear them as they see fit.